सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Baitadi Authorities Successfully Clear Blockades on Jai Prithvi and Dasharatha Highways

२०८० साउन २९, ०७:३० Dineshkhabar Desk

Baitadi: The Jai Prithvi and Dasharatha highways in Baitadi, which had faced obstruction due to landslides since the previous night, have been efficiently reopened.

Landslides occurring overnight led to the temporary closure of the Jayaprithvi Highway near Satbanjh, in proximity to Jaulek and Sribhavar, as well as the Dasharatchand Highway.

Baitadi Police Spokesperson, Police Inspector Lokraj Joshi, confirmed the clearance of these highways subsequent to the prompt removal of debris resulting from the landslides at all three affected locations.

Dineshkhabar Desk

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