सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

A cooking gas leak caused a fire in Kanchanpur

२०८० असार २६, ०२:५५ Dineshkhabar Desk

Kanchanpur: A distressing incident unfolded in Kanchanpur as a fire erupted, triggered by a cooking gas leak. Authorities have reported that the fire originated in a breakfast shop located near the residence of Ramesh Bohra, residing in Bhimdatta Municipality-9 Brahmadev. The primary cause of the fire has been attributed to a gas leak stemming from the cooking gas cylinder within the premises.

Regrettably, the fire resulted in significant damage, consuming grocery items, utensils, and wooden goods estimated to be worth approximately 200,000. Prompt action by the police and local residents aided in bringing the fire under control. As the investigation progresses, the police are diligently working to uncover additional details surrounding this unfortunate incident.

Dineshkhabar Desk

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