सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Two Kailali Municipalities Introduce Open Competition for Principal Selection

२०८० असोज १४, ०५:०० Dineshkhabar Desk

Dhangadhi: In a bid to quell political disturbances within schools and enhance educational standards, two municipalities in Kailali have adopted a policy of appointing school principals through open competitions.

This progressive approach has been initiated by Bardagoria Rural Municipality and Ghodaghodi Municipality. Arjunsingh Karki, Chief Administrative Officer of Bardagoria Rural Municipality, disclosed that applications were invited for the position of school principal through a public notice issued on September 5th. Of the 17 community schools within the municipality, only 10 individuals applied for the positions. Eight of them met the established criteria and were subsequently selected and appointed as principals.

Since education up to the secondary level falls under the jurisdiction of local authorities, these municipalities have taken proactive steps to formulate education laws and regulations tailored to local needs. Accordingly, the process of principal selection has been conducted through open applications adhering to the criteria outlined in the regulations. As of Thursday, three principals at the primary level and six principals at the secondary level have been appointed in Bardagoria Rural Municipality. The municipality has also issued another notification to solicit applications for the remaining school positions.

Similarly, Ghodaghodi Municipality has been actively seeking applications for the appointment of school headteachers. However, challenges arose when teachers from public schools expressed dissatisfaction with the headmaster selection criteria, prompting further deliberation. Khagendra Bahadur Singh, Head of the Municipal Education Branch, explained that, due to disagreements regarding the education regulations, the designation of school-specific principal positions has been revisited. It has been decided to amend the regulations and introduce a provision for designating three schools from which principals can be appointed. This change aims to revamp the old practice at the local level and introduce a new method for principal selection, ultimately focusing on improving the quality of education within schools.

Dineshkhabar Desk

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