सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Baitadi Municipality to Cover Transportation Costs for Pregnant Women

२०८० असोज १४, ०४:५७ Dineshkhabar Desk

Baitadi: In a compassionate and forward-thinking move, one of Baitadi's municipalities has pledged to cover the transportation expenses of pregnant women when circumstances necessitate their referral to other healthcare facilities.

Pancheshwar Rural Municipality, situated within the district, has taken a significant step by committing to bear the transportation costs incurred in the event of pregnant women requiring referrals. This initiative extends to both pregnant and post-partum women facing complex medical conditions, requiring transfer to hospitals equipped to handle their unique needs.

The municipality has officially issued a notification outlining its commitment to covering transportation expenses. Specifically, if complications arise during childbirth at birthing centers and health posts within the municipality, resulting in the need for a pregnant woman to be transferred to a well-equipped hospital, the transportation costs will be shouldered by the health department.

To avail themselves of this supportive service, individuals are kindly requested to submit their applications to the health branch. These applications should be accompanied by relevant documents related to the incurred expenses, documentation reflecting the services received from the healthcare institution, and a request for ambulance services as required.

This initiative not only underscores the municipality's dedication to maternal health but also serves as a commendable example of community-focused healthcare support in the region.

Dineshkhabar Desk

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