सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Purchaudi Municipality sealed to curb the spread of Coronavirus

२०७७ असोज ११, ०५:३५ आरजु

Baitadi: The Purchaudi Municipality has been sealed indefinitely after a person infected with Coronavirus died in the municipality. An emergency meeting held in the municipality has decided to seal the municipality area.

The Purchaudi Municipality has stated that all government and non-government office services except health services will be closed indefinitely from Sunday. All schools, financial institutions and government offices in the municipality will remain closed.

A 29-year-old man from Purchaudi Municipality-3, who was returning from Bangalore, India, was found dead near his house. He reported positive for Coronavirus on Saturday.

After the deceased reported positive, the municipal meeting decided to collect swabs of all those who came in contact with the deceased.

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