सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

FNJ submits a memorandum demanding legislative amends to remove restriction on press freedom

२०७७ भदौ १, ०४:४८ आरजु

The Far-Western Committee of the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) has handed over a memorandum to the state speaker Arjun Bahadur Thapa and others demanding amendment to the bill passed by the state assembly on FM, radio and television broadcasting.

The federation handed over the memorandum to Nepalu Chaudhary, chairperson of the provincial affairs and legislative committee of the provincial assembly, Dr. Ran Bahadur Rawal, leader of the main opposition party and Taralama Tamang, chief whip of the ruling CPN-UML. Chairman of the Far-Western Committee of the Federation of Nepali Journalists, Arjun Shah, said that a memorandum was submitted with a demand to remove the restrictions on press freedom by amending the bill.

According to the federation, a memorandum will be submitted to the state government through the administration office demanding amendment of the bill in all the nine districts. The federation has also warned to start an agitation if the bill is not amended.

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