सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

The student leaders of Biplav previously arrested in Dhangadhi reported missing

२०७७ साउन ६, ०४:२६ आरजु

Dhangadhi: Police on Monday re-arrested three student leaders of CPN UML, Netra Bikram Chand Biplav, who were released by the Kailali District Court.

Biplav student leaders Babar Jung Singh, Subash Joshi and Prakash Rawal were arrested by the police shortly after their release from the court. The whereabouts of the students leaders are unknown after being released by the Kailali District Court on a common date. Kailali police said that they did not have any information about the arrested student leaders.

Spokesperson of the District Police Office, Deputy Superintendent of Police Pratik Bista said that they did not know the whereabouts of the arrested people, however they are not under the control of Kailali police, says Deputy Superintendent of Police Bista. It is suspected that they were arrested from Dhangadhi and taken to Kanchanpur, but the Kanchanpur police have not officially stated that they are in their custody. Three Biplav leaders were arrested from the Mahendranagar market area on Monday evening. 

A central member of Biplav Prakash Japrel accused the police of misconduct as he believes that the leaders were arrested under false allegations after  they were released by the Kailali District Court. "Police arrested our student leader on false charges for 25 days. They were acquitted by the court but were re-arrested and then they were made to disappear”, He said, "Where are they kept? Why is there no information provided to their family? The state has committed an unjust and in-humane act and our organisation has serious objections to it”.

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