सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

आरजु बाट थप

17 police personnel infected with Coronavirus in Far-West

भदौ १, ०५:२८आरजु

The number of police personnel infected with Coronavirus has reached 17 in Far-West. The virus was detected in... विस्तृतमा

Dogadakedar Rural Municipality: Mothers who give birth to a girl child to receive an allowance

भदौ १, ०५:२२आरजु

The Dogadakedar Rural Municipality of Baitadi has decided to give incentive allowance to mothers who give birth to... विस्तृतमा

FNJ submits a memorandum demanding legislative amends to remove restriction on press freedom

भदौ १, ०४:४८आरजु

The Far-Western Committee of the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) has handed over a memorandum to the state... विस्तृतमा

142 people infected with Coronavirus in Dhangadhi

भदौ १, ०४:३३आरजु

The number of people infected with Coronavirus has reached 142 in Dhangadhi.

PCR test performed on 45,000 people 11% test positive

भदौ १, ०४:२१आरजु

In Far-West, more than 45,000 tests for Coronavirus have been performed using PCR method by Sunday.  

Far-West celebrates Balke festival

भदौ १, ०४:०९आरजु

The 'Balke' festival is being celebrated across Far West today. The festival is celebrated in various hilly... विस्तृतमा