सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

आरजु बाट थप

1,028 Nepalese from Far-West return to India on Saturday

असोज ४, ०१:०१आरजु

More than a thousand Nepalese have returned to India on Saturday from far-western states in search of employment.

Sit-in protest organised in Dhangadhi demanding investigation of journalist Nirmala Paharai’s death

असोज ४, ०१:००आरजु

A 23-year-old journalist Nirmala Paharai who was working for Kailali FM in Sukhad of Ghodaghodi Municipality was... विस्तृतमा

17 additional cases of Coronavirus in Far-West

असोज ४, १२:२५आरजु

A test conducted at Dadeldhura Hospital confirmed the Coronavirus in 17 more people in Far-West. Medical Lab... विस्तृतमा

Construction of tourism infrastructure in Ghatal Than area of Dadeldhura

भदौ ३१, ०१:१८आरजु

Dadeldhura: The construction work of tourism infrastructure in Ghatal Than area of Amargadhi Municipality-3 of... विस्तृतमा

A concrete bridge to be constructed over Karnali River in Bajura

भदौ ३१, ०१:१६आरजु

Bajura: A concrete bridge is to be built over the Karnali River flowing through Bajura.

314 patients of Coronavirus self quarantine in Far-West

भदौ ३१, ०१:०९आरजु

Dhangadhi: Most of the people infected with Coronavirus in Far-West have been staying in their houses although... विस्तृतमा