सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Expansion in fruit and spice cultivation in Sudurpaschim Province

२०८१ भदौ १७, ०५:५६ Dineshkhabar Desk

Dhangadhi – Fruit and spice cultivation in Sudurpaschim Province has significantly expanded, reaching a total area of 18,131 hectares by the end of the financial year 2080/81.

Kailali leads with 7,587 hectares dedicated to these crops, while Achham has the smallest area with 588 hectares. Regional Breakdown: * Darchula: 948 hectares * Baitadi: 650 hectares * Dadeldhura: 2,468 hectares * Kanchanpur: 1,420 hectares * Bajhang: 1,288 hectares * Bajura: 1,030 hectares * Doti: 2,152 hectares In addition to fruit and spice crops, the total area under food and other crops in the Far West has reached 295,974 hectares.

Vegetables and horticulture occupy 25,169 hectares. Last year, overall agricultural production increased by 0.92%, although this is a significant slowdown compared to the 15.22% growth reported for the previous year.

Notable Changes: * Pea and Oilseeds: Increased by 28.41% and 21.16%, respectively * Sugarcane: Production decreased by 13.47% * Other Crops: Notable increases in production for rice, corn, millet, potato, soybean, and pulses ranging from 2.58% to 13.29%.

The data underscores a growing emphasis on fruit and spice cultivation in the province, with varied regional adoption and overall positive trends in crop production.

Dineshkhabar Desk

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