सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Sudurpaschim University Central Office Lockdown Persists, A Month On

२०८० साउन ३१, ०७:०० Dineshkhabar Desk

Kanchanpur: The central office of Sudurpaschim University, located in Kanchanpur, remains locked even a month after its closure.

The continuous lockdown of Sudurpaschim University's central office has introduced disruptions to its regular operations. The shutdown, initiated by the National Democratic Students' Organization approximately a month ago, is closely aligned with the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP). The organization's primary demand is the cessation of political involvement in the selection process for administrative and professorial appointments within the university.

Santosh Bisht, the university's information officer, acknowledged the adverse impact of the central office's extended closure. He revealed that since July 1, the office has been inaccessible, subsequently impeding its usual functioning. Despite the relaxation of a lockdown enforced by the ANERASWIU, the lock instituted by the student body affiliated with the RPR faction remains in effect.

Prem Rawal, the President of the National Democratic Student Association at Sudurpaschim University Central Campus, articulated the organization's stance on the matter. He stated that the lockout will endure until political affiliations are entirely eliminated from the selection of officeholders and professors. Rawal emphasized that this stance remains steadfast, even after two rounds of discussions with university officials, during which no consensus has been attained.

Dineshkhabar Desk

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