सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Kailali Chamber of Commerce and Industry saves money this Mahotsav

२०७५ चैत्र ४, ०६:०९ स्वीकृती खतिवडा

The publication of the Far-Western festival organized by the Kailali Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Dhangadhi has been public. The information was given that the saving of rupees thirty-five lakh sixty-nine thousand and eight hundred and seventy-one was being collected in a press conference at Kailali's Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A sum total of eighty-seven lakh ninety-nine thousand was spent on the festival. The budget allotted was One crore twenty-three lakh and sixty-eight rupees.


कमेन्ट लोड गर्नुस