सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

स्वीकृती खतिवडा बाट थप

Schools in Bajura district continues with classes even after dense snowfall

माघ २४, ०७:२१स्वीकृती खतिवडा

The heavy snowfalls in the hills have lately been causing a lot of problems for the locals. But this hasn't... विस्तृतमा

Nirmaan Vyawasahi Sangh Kailali declares its candidates

माघ २४, ०७:११स्वीकृती खतिवडा

Yagraj Upadhyay has been elected as the President of Nirmaan Vyawasahi Sangh Kailali.  Tek Bahadur Malla as he... विस्तृतमा

Police officers deployed in various municipalities in Bajura

माघ २४, ०६:५७स्वीकृती खतिवडा

Theft in the hilly regions of Bajura has increased drastically during heavy snowfall. Many poachers have been... विस्तृतमा

Central government takes over the Dhangadhi-Dipayal fast track project

माघ २४, ०६:५०स्वीकृती खतिवडा

Dhangadhi-Dipayal fast track project has been taken away by the central government from the provincial government... विस्तृतमा

Inter-school robotics competition held in Dhangadhi

माघ २३, ०८:२७स्वीकृती खतिवडा

An inter-school  robotics competition was organized at Rubus hotel.

Clash between the community forest management and road development program

माघ २३, ०८:२०स्वीकृती खतिवडा

The challenge of implementation and development of roads has been made due to the importance of scientific forest... विस्तृतमा