सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Nepal’s first women's isolation center for pregnant women operating in Dhangadhi

२०७७ साउन ९, १२:५६ आरजु

 Dhangadhi: For the first time in Nepal, an isolation center has been launched in Dhangadhi for pregnant women infected with the Coronavirus. The isolation center run by Dhangadhi Sub-metropolis has been jointly inaugurated by Dr. Guna Raj Awasthi, Director of the Far-Western Health Directorate and Mayor Nripa Bahadur Odd. Dr. Awasthi said that the isolation center would be of great help to pregnant women as they are a relevant demographic who are at a higher risk of Covid-19 than most others.

According to the mayor, the women's holding an isolation center at the Polytechnic Institute in Dhangadhi Sub-metropolis-1 have been separated into corona positive and non-positive sections. He also stated that all the health workers, security personnel, and managerial staff of the holding and isolation center would be women.

Pregnant women who are not Coronavirus positive are placed at the Women's Holding Center where 10 beds are available with food and health services available.

Similarly, the women's isolation center has been made for pregnant women who are infected with corona but have not to show any symptoms, arrangements have been made to provide food and necessary treatment for pregnant women including separate accommodation for the children and a play area.

While 12 beds have been arranged for Corona Positive, three separate beds have been arranged for observation. The center has 24-hour ambulance service to take the pregnant woman to the hospital or from the hospital to the holding center, 24-hour health worker service for regular check-ups are also available among other facilities.

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