सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Customs evaded goods seized in Kanchanpur

२०८१ जेठ ९, ०२:०४ Dineshkhabar Desk

Dhangadhi: Customs evaded goods have been seized in Kanchanpur.

About 1 lakh 78 thousand, 876 worth of garlands, black garlands, yellow brass wire, Ganesha stone, rose stone, red stone, brass were brought from Bhimdatta Municipality-10 Gajjar Tol, Belauri Municipality-10 Sadakghat and Punarwas Municipality-11 Dokebazar of the district.

paper, hemp, red cloth, cosmetics and other items were seized by the police team deployed from District Police Office Kanchanpur.

Dineshkhabar Desk

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