सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Parties of Dadeldhura unite to upgrade the Bagbazar-Kirtipur road

२०७७ असोज २९, ०६:२०

Dhangadhi: All the political parties in Dadeldhura have put forward the idea of widening the Bagbazar-Kirtipur road section.

The parties have demanded the concerned body to upgrade the Bagbazar-Kirtipur road under the main Mahakali Highway in the district headquarters.

On Wednesday, CPN-Dadeldhura Chairman Man Singh Mal had made public the party's decision saying that an initiative would be taken to upgrade the roads through a press conference, he said that the CPN (Maoist) district committee had drawn serious attention to the rejection of the bids even after pending approval twice.

He also informed that a team including a minister had held a struggle committee and all-party discussion on the initiative of Amargadhi Municipality where he stated that initiatives would be taken for compensation. Similarly, an all-party meeting held in Amargadhi Municipality on Wednesday urged the municipality to immediately collect details for compensation and move ahead with the work.

In the meeting held on the initiative of Nepali Congress and organized by Amargadhi Municipality, it was agreed that all parties will take initiative for compensation. In a press release issued on Thursday, Congress in Dadeldhura said that it has been decided to help ease the traffic in the market area by upgrading the right and left 15 meters of the road area.

A statement signed by party president and Far-Western MP Karna Bahadur Malla said, "The meeting has addressed the issue of compensation which is becoming complicated. It (the initiative) has also made important concrete decisions by upgrading the road area 15/15 meters from left to right to help facilitate movement in the market area," he said.

Congress in Dadeldhura has urged the concerned governing body to implement the decision as soon as possible.

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