सुदूर नेपाललाई विश्वसँग जोड्दै

Far Western Police assists Manav Sewa Ashram on Police Day

२०७७ असोज २९, ०५:४८

Dhangadhi: The Far-Western Provincial Police Office has provided assistance to the Human Service Ashram in Dhangadhi, on the eve of the 65th Police Day.

On the occasion of Police Day on Friday, the State Police Office has provided food aid to the street people in the ashram. According to the Human Service Ashram, the State Police Office handed over 4 bags of rice, 1 bag of potatoes, 1 carton of oil, 10 kg of mixed pulses and 5 packets of salt.

Spokesperson of the State Police Office, Senior Superintendent of Police Mukesh Kumar Singh had reached the Human Services Ashram to hand over the food items.

कमेन्ट लोड गर्नुस